
SEC Fines B of A $33M for Bonus Bust

Aug 4, 2009
It's baffling how $33 million can seem like a relatively small sum lately, but given that it's all that Bank of America will have to pay the SEC for failing to inform investors about the billions in bonuses the bank paid Merrill Lynch executives during B of A's acquisition of Merrill last year, it seems more like a light knuckle-rap than a full-on spanking.

‘Left, Right & Center’: Bonuses, Blue Dogs and Beer

Aug 1, 2009
This week's show covers flagrant shenanigans in the financial world -- could it be that Tony Blankley makes a move toward the left? Meanwhile, lefty Robert Scheer is the surprising deficit hawk in the mix, and Arianna Huffington and Matt Miller clash over whether the absence of a strong public provision in Congress' emerging health plan represents a betrayal of the American people. Also: beer!

A Rebound Without Recovery

Jul 28, 2009
The arithmetic of this recession still looks pretty dismal and the politics and psychology of it are starting to become disconnected from reality in a scary way.The politics and psychology of this recession are starting to become disconnected from reality in a scary way.
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Big Money for Goldman Sachs

Jul 15, 2009
Fresh off the bailout, Goldman Sachs raked in $3.44 billion in net profit this quarter, beating analysts' already high expectations, and the firm's success will pay off for employees in the form of generous bonuses. Not surprisingly, pro-Goldman types think this is all good news.

AIG Gets Back to Bonuses

Jul 10, 2009
The closest we've come to a pitchfork moment in this whole economic crisis was the last time AIG tried to shower its employees with bonuses. You may recall that the financial giant was rewarded with $180 billion in federal funds after losing more money than any company ever did before and helping to ruin the world economy. Well, they're at it again.

What You Dig

Mar 27, 2009
Here are the five most-read stories of the last seven days, including Chris Hedges on America's moral meltdown and Robert Scheer on the economic incompetents who find easy employment in the Obama administration. Full list after the jump.

AIG Claims It Overpaid Taxes, Sues Government

Mar 21, 2009
Having succeeded in dispensing tens of millions of dollars to company executives last week as the country -- and Congress -- cried foul, the insurance titan is now suing the government to reclaim millions in taxes. Apparently AIG officials believe they paid the IRS too much and now are demanding a huge tax rebate.

Obama Talks Banks, Bonuses and Basketball on Leno

Mar 21, 2009
The merger of the entertainment and political spheres is now complete. Witness this lengthy chatfest between President Barack Obama and Jay Leno on Thursday's "Tonight Show." During the broadcast Obama cracks jokes about the Secret Service, the Special Olympics (oops) and "American Idol" between more serious discussions about the economy and alternative energy.

The Geithner Problem

Mar 20, 2009
The treasury secretary may indeed be the hardest-working man in Washington. But in order to survive, let alone succeed, he's going to have to make a more convincing case that he's part of the solution and not part of the problem.

And Now, This Tepid Message From Our Treasury Chief

Mar 20, 2009
We've seen a lot of Timothy Geithner lately in the news -- usually looking concerned yet purposeful as he stands behind the president in photos and press conferences -- but we haven't heard a great deal straight from the source. On Thursday, CNN's Ali Velshi managed to get the treasury secretary talking, but what Geithner had to say is distinctly underwhelming.