bobby jindal
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BP Spill as Partisan Issue

Jun 12, 2010
It's hard to cast the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in anything resembling a positive light, but some Republican operatives are apparently pretty chuffed about the media coverage of the debacle, according to (continued).

Those Brand-New Humble Republicans

May 7, 2009
Hoping to re-brand their declining party, a group of prominent Republicans recently launched a national "listening tour," presumably as an exercise in market research. They would like to know why voters -- and especially younger voters -- increasingly reject the GOP.

McCain Fieldstrips His List of GOP Up-and-Comers

Apr 15, 2009
The ’08 presidential election is long over, but the drama that a certain folksy governor from Alaska unleashed into John McCain's world might still rankle him, considering McCain's perhaps purposeful omission of Sarah Palin from the list of up-and-coming Republicans he trotted out for Jay Leno Monday night. Update: Video added

Jindal’s Tall Katrina Tale

Feb 28, 2009
If Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal could have one career do-over, he might opt to use it on the speech he gave Tuesday. Not only did his performance induce cringes on both sides of the aisle, but now, according to TPMMuckraker, it looks as if the part of his speech about Hurricane Katrina (to many the most baffling part) wasn't exactly true.

GOP Throwing Jindal Under the Bus?

Feb 27, 2009
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal just might be going through the quickest rise to prominence, followed by the fastest plummet from the pedestal, in recent political history. Mere moments after he had given his big debut speech Tuesday night, the fallout began -- and much of it came from within his own party.