
Jailbreak Your Smartphone, Go to Jail

Jan 31, 2013
As though we don't have enough absurd laws in the US, a new one has passed criminalizing the unlocking of mobile devices; the U is spending $400,000 a day to keep innocent people incarcerated in Guantanamo; and this Sunday is the Super Bowl, when we watch men cause one another brain trauma These discoveries and more after the jump.
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Shades of Mercy: Presidential Forgiveness Heavily Favors Whites

Dec 4, 2011
To avoid repeating a scandal like his predecessor’s, George W. Bush gave career lawyers in the Justice Department far-reaching authority to choose who got presidential pardons. The result: Whites are nearly four times as likely as minorities to win a pardon, even when the type of crime and severity of sentence are taken into account.Whites are nearly four times as likely as minorities to win a presidential pardon.

FBI Engaged in Large-Scale Group Profiling

Oct 26, 2011
Researchers at the ACLU recently uncovered an FBI program that uses census data to draw maps that link racial and ethnic communities to certain types of crimes. The investigations, known under the names of "assessments" and "domain management," appear to have been going on for several years. (more)

It Pays to Be White

Mar 24, 2009
Black and Latino communities have long suffered significantly higher unemployment rates than those of whites, but the economic collapse is taking labor inequity to new and alarming places. Jobs data shows that blacks and Latinos aren't just more unemployed overall, but they're losing jobs faster than their white colleagues.

Obama’s Father’s Day Sermon

Jun 19, 2007
The subject is absent fathers. The implications for black America are dire. The fact is that "there are a lot of men out there who need to stop acting like boys; who need to realize that responsibility does not end at conception; who need to know that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise one."