bill maher

Palin Gets De-Witched

Oct 5, 2008
It's no secret that Bill Maher is suspicious of organized religion (or any other variety of religion, for that matter), but something about Sarah Palin's videotaped encounter with witch-wary Pastor Thomas Muthee of the Wasilla Assembly of God Church gets Maher especially wound up in this clip from his Oct. 3 show.

Naomi Klein: Palin = ‘Bush in Drag’

Sep 21, 2008
Here's a sound bite for the ages: "The Shock Doctrine" author Naomi Klein was one of the panelists on the Sept. 19 episode of "Real Time With Bill Maher," and when the conversation inevitably turned to Sarah Palin, Klein pronounced the GOP VP nominee to be "basically Bush in drag."
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Bill Maher Defends Elitism

Apr 21, 2008
The "Real Time" host offers his own unique take on the bitterness fiasco: "If you think the Democrats are going to take away your Bible, you're an idiot. If you think they're going to take away your gun, you're an armed idiot. And if you think they're going to take away your gun and give it to a Mexican to kill your god, you're Bill O'Reilly."

Bill Maher vs. the Pope

Apr 14, 2008
The "Real Time" host uses the recent raid on a polygamist compound to point a finger at the Vatican, which he calls "the Bear Sterns of organized pedophilia -- too big to fail." This wasn't one of Maher's more applauded closing numbers, but it's not one you should miss.

Maher to Democrats: ?Chill Out?

Apr 7, 2008
From TSA's mood music to Obama's bowling blunder, Bill Maher takes on the issues of the week, including the growing concern over the Democrats' heated primary battle: "If voting can destroy the Democratic Party, then the party isn't very democratic."

?A Little Fit? in the Polls

Mar 31, 2008
A couple of recent polls have indicated that Clinton and Obama supporters would be so devastated by their candidate's loss they would throw their support to McCain. Bill Maher asked Dan Savage to investigate the claim, and Savage concluded that voters were "having a little fit now, because they're not going to have that little fit in November."

Bill Maher vs. Terry McAuliffe

Mar 10, 2008
Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe joined Bill Maher on Friday for what turned into a surprisingly tough satellite interview, which ended prematurely due to technical difficulties -- and perhaps because of a crack about Bill Clinton and Puerto Rico.

Bill Maher on Smear Tactics

Mar 3, 2008
In this edition of "New Rules," the "Real Time" host takes on Alberto Gonzales, Mexican cruises and conservative slurs: "To honor the life of William F. Buckley, conservatives have to take the high road against Barack Obama."

The Return of ‘New Rules’

Feb 18, 2008
Bill Maher's writers are back and so is his biting commentary on the political and cultural issues of the week. In this clip, the "Real Time" host tackles the decline of the handshake, Bush's war addiction, the fighting Romneys, McCain's zombie army and why it isn't amazing that the Democrats have suddenly discovered diversity.

Down to the Wire

Feb 4, 2008
Super Tuesday, when 22 states and American Samoa could decide the Democratic nominee, is one day away and no one knows what is going to happen. A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton dead even nationally. Clinton led by as many as 15 points a month ago. But it's the biggest prize of the contest, California, where only a week ago Clinton led by 17 points, that has everyone guessing.