big government

‘Left, Right & Center’: The Return of Big Government?

Aug 15, 2009
President Obama is gambling on America's readiness to embrace a larger, more comprehensive form of government, but will it take? "Recovering Republican" Arianna Huffington argues that the system Obama favors is currently working best for oligarchs, not those losing their homes or worried about their health care, while Tony Blankley thinks Big Pharma is pitching camp in the White House.

Paul Krugman: Big Government Prevented a Second Depression

Aug 10, 2009
The Nobel Prize-winning economist writes that "around a million more Americans are working now than would have been employed without that [stimulus] plan  " He also argues that "it’s possible to be dissatisfied, even angry, about the way the financial bailouts have worked while acknowledging that without these bailouts things would have been much worse".
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California’s Silent Big Spenders

May 29, 2009
Instead of making the positive case for big government, or at least beginning to explain, let alone defend, what Sacramento does with all that money, California's political class has instead opted for a four-pronged strategy: deny, scare, attack, then call for higher taxes.