benazir bhutto

End of an Era

Feb 19, 2008
The death of Benazir Bhutto in December, tensions within the country and concerns over President Pervez Musharraf's leadership (and his regime's relationship with the U.S. government) registered in a loud and clear message from Pakistanis at the polling booths Monday: Musharraf is standing on shaky ground.

Scotland Yard Weighs In on Bhutto’s Death

Feb 8, 2008
If Benazir Bhutto's supporters were hoping that a Scotland Yard investigation into the former prime minister's death would contradict the Pakistani government's findings, they're bound to be disappointed by Thursday's reports that the British police agency pieced together a similar account of her Dec. 27 assassination.

The Price of America’s Patronage

Jan 18, 2008
Roger Morris, who served on the National Security Council staff under Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, has written a fascinating history of the United States' many interventions in Pakistan. It's the sordid story of "the world's longest running military despotism, and of America's most generous and tragic patronage."
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Closing In on Bhutto’s Killer

Jan 18, 2008
Although members of her Pakistan People's Party remain skeptical, and although the late Benazir Bhutto herself might have disagreed, American and Pakistani intelligence officials believe that Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mahsud and his associates were behind the assassination of Bhutto in Rawalpindi last month.

Pakistan’s Dangerous Path

Jan 10, 2008
We've heard and read what many Western news sources have had to say about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the ensuing turmoil in Pakistan. Now, here's an eminent voice from within the country, veteran journalist Ayaz Amir, offering his take on his nation at a crucial crossroads.

Musharraf Deflects Blame in Bhutto Killing

Jan 4, 2008
Addressing international reporters Thursday in Islamabad, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said he and his administration have nothing to hide with regard to the Dec. 27 assassination of Benazir Bhutto; rather, Musharraf said Bhutto took risks at the Rawalpindi rally that made her vulnerable to attack.

Fear-Mongering, Giuliani Style

Jan 4, 2008
Um, is it just us, or did Rudy Giuliani's camp seize upon the strike-induced lull in Hollywood to hire out talent to make what looks and sounds like a Mideast-themed action movie trailer to promote his presidential campaign? "A religion betrayed a nuclear power in chaos madmen bent on creating it " Steven Seagal's people should take notes from this one.