barney frank

Big Banks Get Billions, Waters Gets Busted

Aug 10, 2010
Broadway and Central Avenue in the Watts area of South Los Angeles are lined with dozens of small, marginal businesses, but hardly any banks. In a capitalist economy, these are streets without capital, losers in the race to the top. Waters has spent years trying to help minority-owned banks. Her relationship with one of them, OneUnited, got her in trouble.
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The Whistle-Blower They Ignored

Apr 14, 2010
There aren’t too many genuine heroes to come out of the banking disaster, but Armando Falcon is one of them -- and had he been listened to, a significant part of the housing crisis could have been mitigated. There aren’t too many genuine heroes to come out of the banking disaster, but Armando Falcon is one of them.

Who’s Afraid of Health Care Reform?

Mar 29, 2010
After days of protests over reform, the Obama administration has, in fact, created a change that many Americans can now see and feel The new law, though imperfect, represents progress in a new direction However, it seems that for this step forward some Americans have taken two steps back The new health care law, though imperfect, represents progress in a new direction .

House Readies for Mortgage Vote

Dec 12, 2009
Homeowners facing foreclosure could get help if Congress approves a "cram-down" measure, which would give bankruptcy judges the ability to alter mortgage terms. The House of Representatives is gearing up to vote on the amendment, but it's not likely to be an easy victory by any stretch.

House Revamps Financial Overhaul Proposal

Sep 24, 2009
Under the guidance of Rep. Barney Frank, the House Financial Services Committee made changes to a plan designed to increase government oversight of various financial markets, ideally to avoid a recurrence of last year's economic catastrophe. It'll mean more focus on certain types of businesses than others.

‘Colbert Report’: Who’s the Jesus-est?

Aug 22, 2009
Boy, Stephen Colbert got a lot accomplished on "The Colbert Report" this past week! He established whose God was best (duh) and why writing an Op-Ed in The New York Times is a clear sign of desperation and defeat (double duh), and he even managed to outdo Rep. Barney Frank in the table-talk department. But with what kind of cracker does Obamargarine go best? Hmmm.

Barney Frank’s Town Hall Throwdown

Aug 20, 2009
Ever wonder whether it gets a touch exasperating for politicians to face angry throngs of American citizens at those unruly gatherings everyone quaintly insists on calling "town hall meetings"? Well, witness Barney Frank, here, on the brink of a town hall snap (or two) in this bit from Wednesday's "Daily Show."

House Passes Matthew Shepard Act

Apr 30, 2009
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act, on Wednesday. Similar but weaker legislation had failed two years ago in the face of opposition from President Bush. Before Wednesday's vote, Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx created a stir by taking issue with the bill's name, claiming Shepard's murder in 1998 didn't constitute a hate crime.