
There’s Hope for Franken Yet

Dec 19, 2008
BradBlog has the latest from the endless recount battle in Minnesota, where Al Franken currently is trailing by only two votes. Results are day-to-day, but the Star-Tribune is predicting Franken will win out by fewer than 100 votes.

Minnesota Race Continues to Perplex

Dec 4, 2008
In case you haven't been following Al Franken's fortunes in Minnesota's ongoing recount, here's a brief recap: He was down, but not by much, then down by less and, a little later, even less, then he claimed to be up, but now it looks like he's down again, but not by much. Confused? You're not alone.

Fun With Ballots

Nov 21, 2008
Minnesota's ballot showdown is underway as Al Franken and Norm Coleman's contest for the U.S. Senate comes down to a recount and voter intent. Minnesota Public Radio has decided not to let the campaigns have all the fun of chucking (or un-chucking) ballots. Now you can, too!
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Minnesota Is the New Florida

Nov 14, 2008
While Minnesota gets ready for a recount, it looks like one way or another the state's U.S. Senate race will be decided in court. With bad memories of Florida, Al Franken and Norm Coleman's campaigns are already arguing about whose vote should count and why.

How Much Voting Clout Do You Have?

Nov 4, 2008
As you head to the polls Tuesday, keep this thought in mind: A voter in Wyoming is three and a half times more influential than a voter in Florida. Thanks to the Electoral College, it's possible to become president with only 16 percent of the population's support. Yay, Democracy!

Bracing for the Ballot Battle

Oct 29, 2008
Next Tuesday, don’t be shocked if the Republicans roll out their familiar tactics of intimidating Democratic voters, challenging their eligibility and subjecting them to long lines at polling places. If the election is close, these shady maneuvers might pay off.

Typo Puts ‘Barack Osama’ on Ballot

Oct 11, 2008
Election officials in Rensselaer County, N.Y., are caught in the middle of a national embarrassment after a typo on 300 absentee ballots listed the Democratic candidate for president as "Barack Osama." Both Democratic and Republican officials in "Renassliare County" swear the error was accidental.

Republicans Eye the California Electoral Cookie Jar

Aug 13, 2007
Newsweek's Jonathan Alter warns of a Republican plot to deliver some of California's electoral votes to the GOP nominee -- even if he loses the state. The scheme, which depends on California's much-abused and confusing proposition system, would award the Golden State's electoral votes by congressional district.

None of the Above

Apr 24, 2007
It may sound redundant or contradictory, but Florida state Sen. Mike Bennett proposed a bill that would give voters another ballot choice besides the candidates in the running: "I choose not to vote." Floridians fatigued by the alleged frauds and hanging chads of recent years (as well as mudslinging campaigns) could signal their distaste by using the new option.

Dems Take the Initiative

Oct 29, 2006
Democrats are hoping ballot initiatives in favor of stem cell research and raising the minimum wage will help drive voter turnout in the upcoming election. Republicans pioneered the initiative strategy, but this time around the electorate seems to be suffering from gay marriage fatigue.