
Bush to Kanye: All Is Forgiven

Nov 11, 2010
During his comfortable sit-down with Matt Lauer on Wednesday's "Today" show, former President George W. Bush was visited by the pre-taped image of a contrite Kanye West, who was all ready to make nice after his Bush-is-a-racist claim of yesteryear.
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Toyota’s Big Apology

Feb 23, 2010
Amid major setbacks leading to massive recalls related to unintended acceleration, faulty brakes and other mechanical calamities, Toyota is shifting into damage control mode. On Tuesday, the Japanese carmaker's president, Akio Toyoda, made a personal apology before the U.S. Congress, admitting that his company got ahead of itself, prioritizing growth over quality control.

‘Left, Right & Center’: Et Tu, Dick Cheney?; Woods’ Lament

Feb 20, 2010
Tiger Woods performed his celebrity duty on Friday, making a public apology for his extramarital escapades, and, yes, even the "Left, Right & Center" lineup of regular commentators has something to say about it. Also this week: Some conservatives think (gasp!) Dick Cheney ought to run for president, and the richest Americans aren't feeling the same recessionary burn that the rest of the country is suffering.

Tiger’s Mea Culpa

Feb 19, 2010
Golf superstar Tiger Woods has stayed out of the public eye since the news about his expansive infidelity scandal broke last Thanksgiving, but on Friday, an apparently penitent Woods made a brief appearance and a sober apology at a press conference before returning to continue his treatment program. Reactions to his show of contrition, perhaps unsurprisingly, were mixed.

Banks’ Lame Apology Isn’t Enough

Jan 20, 2010
WheresOurMoney.org's Harvey Rosenfield on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearings chaired by Phil Angelides: "If symbolism is what this is all about, I say we've moved beyond the 'apology' stage. How about sending some of these people to jail for twenty years?"

Carter Atones for ‘Stigmatizing’ Israel

Dec 24, 2009
Maybe it's because his grandson is running for public office, maybe because the former president just doesn't like tension, but Jimmy Carter has written an open letter to the Jewish community essentially apologizing for any past statements that might have stigmatized the nation of Israel. (continued)