ann coulter

Clinton Cracks Wise About Coulter

Feb 5, 2008
It's endorsement mania in these final hours before Super Tuesday, and here's Hillary Clinton taking news of Ann Coulter's offhanded endorsement in stride, shooting a quick joke back at the "Inside Edition" reporter who apparently hoped to freak her out by cornering her with his Coulter question and his cameraman's assertive use of his zoom function.

Coulter Would Campaign for Clinton Over McCain

Feb 1, 2008
OK, so clearly Ann Coulter is not above leaning heavily on hyperbole to raise a few eyebrows and sell a few books, but this time she even managed to shock us a little with her announcement on Fox's "Hannity & Colmes" that she'd go to bat for Hillary Clinton if she's up against John McCain for the presidency, because, Coulter said, Clinton's "more conservative" than McCain.
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Elizabeth Edwards Strikes Back

Jun 28, 2007
Ann Coulter fielded a call-in by Elizabeth Edwards on MSNBC's "Hardball" Tuesday night as Coulter sat with host Chris Matthews in front of a gaggle of young voters to discuss the '08 campaign. Needless to say, Mrs. Edwards was none too thrilled with Coulter's recent (and past) comments about her husband and family.

Ann Coulter Still Hates John Edwards

Jun 27, 2007
What is Ann Coulter's beef with John Edwards? The human scandal factory who once referred to the candidate as a "faggot" has re-emerged from hate radio silence to suggest that she should have said she hoped Edwards would be killed by terrorists. We already know nothing she says should be taken seriously, so why is "Good Morning America" giving her a soapbox?

Papers Nix Coulter’s Column

Mar 10, 2007
A number of newspapers around the country have dropped Ann Coulter's syndicated column following her now-notorious homophobic zinger at a conference of conservatives last week. In addition to the three papers Editor & Publisher tallied Thursday, Media Matters on Friday named two more dailies that have had it with Coulter's antics.