al franken

Minnesota Race Continues to Perplex

Dec 4, 2008
In case you haven't been following Al Franken's fortunes in Minnesota's ongoing recount, here's a brief recap: He was down, but not by much, then down by less and, a little later, even less, then he claimed to be up, but now it looks like he's down again, but not by much. Confused? You're not alone.

Fun With Ballots

Nov 21, 2008
Minnesota's ballot showdown is underway as Al Franken and Norm Coleman's contest for the U.S. Senate comes down to a recount and voter intent. Minnesota Public Radio has decided not to let the campaigns have all the fun of chucking (or un-chucking) ballots. Now you can, too!
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Minnesota Is the New Florida

Nov 14, 2008
While Minnesota gets ready for a recount, it looks like one way or another the state's U.S. Senate race will be decided in court. With bad memories of Florida, Al Franken and Norm Coleman's campaigns are already arguing about whose vote should count and why.

Franken Closes In on Coleman

Nov 8, 2008
Having suggested that fellow Minnesotan Al Franken should concede defeat earlier in the week, Norm Coleman was keeping mum by Friday afternoon, when it was discovered that Franken was trailing his Republican rival for the U.S. Senate by only 238 votes.

Paper Calls Oregon Race for the Democrat

Nov 6, 2008
The Democrats fell short in their quest for 60 U.S. Senate seats, but the race isn't quite over. After a fierce battle in the politically fascinating state of Oregon, Democratic usurper Jeff Merkley has been projected by The Oregonian to defeat Sen. Gordon Smith. That leaves Minnesota and Georgia. Update

Democrats as Big Brother?

Oct 9, 2008
A lobbying powerhouse with an emphatically pro-Republican political action committee is pounding Democratic Senate candidates for supporting legislation that would make it easier for workers to unionize. The ads portray Al Franken in Minnesota and Tom Allen of Maine as backing Big Brother-style surveillance of American workers.

Al Franken: From ‘SNL’ to U.S. Senate?

Jun 10, 2008
Al Franken's career arc has taken an unconventional turn: The comedian has nailed down the Minnesota Democrats' endorsement for the U.S. Senate, following in former Gov. Jesse Ventura's footsteps as a performer-turned-politician in the Midwestern state. Starting out in comedy may serve Franken well in Congress, where knowing how to work a tough crowd just might come in handy.

Truthdig Podcast: Saving Air America

Apr 2, 2007
Mark Green, the new president of Air America, tells Truthdig why it didn't work, what he's going to do to fix it and what you can expect in the future from America's largest progressive radio network. Pictured above, Al Franken, who was an Air America host.