
Are We Wired for Compassion?

Jan 20, 2010
When the term human nature gets thrown around, it's sometimes used in a derisive fashion, as if to boil all the complex motivations, biological drives and psychological quirks that comprise our makeup down to some simplistic, base formula However, there are some who might cast the concept in a brighter light (continued).

T. Rex in Miniature

Sep 18, 2009
The going theory about the Tyrannosaurus rex, in case you didn't know, had been until very recently that this famous mega-dinosaur sported stumpy little arms as an evolutionary adaptation related to its jumbo body size. Then a fossil of Raptorex kriegsteini -- perhaps 1/100th the size of T. rex, its descendant -- came along and upended that notion with its own disproportionately puny forelimbs.
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Global Warming? Better Figure Out How to Live With It

Jun 1, 2006
Many climate scientists now see global warming as inevitable (to a certain extent), and are now focusing on the controversial idea of figuring out how to live with it U News & World Report serves up the surprising details Also, check out U News' Q & A with Al Gore, and U News' story on the insurance industry cashing in on the global warming problem .