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Fetal Horror in Punjab

Aug 19, 2006
Authorities in the Indian state of Punjab recently made a grotesque discovery that has prompted public outrage and a government crackdown. Acting on a tip, police and health officials raided a private clinic and found a 30-foot well with over 50 female fetuses inside.

Antiabortion Blogger Mistakes Onion Column for Real Deal

Jul 15, 2006
The proprietor of a pro-life blog railed with righteous indignation against a column from The Onion titled "I'm Totally Psyched About This Abortion!" Apparently lines from the column like "I seriously cannot wait for all the hemorrhaging and the uterine contractions" didn't tip the blogger off to the column's satirical intent--and he has since become the laughingstock of the blogosphere. (Salon article; reg. req'd) (Onion column)

Last Clinic Standing

Jul 14, 2006
An extremist pro-life organization that helped make doctors the targets of deadly attacks in the 1990s is now mobilizing a protest to shutter the last abortion clinic in Mississippi. With reproductive rights under assault across the country, pro-choice activist Sunsara Taylor reports on the high-stakes battle about to take place in Jackson, Miss.