2012 election

Romney’s ‘Loony View About the Economy’

Apr 17, 2012
Frugality? Check. Family values? Check. Sound reasoning? Nope. Mitt Romney’s campaign managed to stay true to the concerns of his base while totally botching the logic behind an infographic claiming that President Obama’s management of the U.S. economy is akin to that of a family accountant gone mad.
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The .0000063% Election

Feb 18, 2012
At a time when it’s become cliché to say Occupy Wall Street has changed the nation’s political conversation, electoral politics and the 2012 presidential election have become almost exclusively defined by the 1%. Or, to be more precise, the .0000063%.

Mormon Economics and the GOP

Feb 16, 2012
Mormonism is not the quintessential “American religion,” to use Tolstoy's words, just because it got its start in upstate New York. The church has long embodied notions and practices that drive contemporary American capitalism. And those ideas, as author Chris Lehmann demonstrated last October in Harper’s Magazine, remain central to the shaping of national economic policy.

What Santorum’s Surge Means for Romney

Feb 8, 2012
Although an easy answer to the question posed by the headline would appear to be something along the lines of nothing good, there are more subtleties to the issue that merit exploration, and Rick Santorum's triple win Tuesday doesn't necessarily add up to an ultimate victory against GOP front-runner Mitt Romney.

Gingrich a Tough Sell Among Florida Women

Jan 30, 2012
Here's an algorithm from the Annals of the Obvious: Conservative women commonly identify as values voters, responding to like-minded candidates and campaigns and bringing what are referred to in certain circles as traditional morals into the booths. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, while purporting to run on a family-friendly platform, has some blots on his personal record that would appear to contradict these ideals.

Gingrich Gets Ready to Rumble With Romney

Jan 4, 2012
Although there's already been some infighting among the ranks of this election cycle's Republican presidential hopefuls, it's going to get only crazier from here on out. And with candidates' fates shifting as quickly as they have this time around (Herman who?), you can bet that rival GOP camps are going to do their darndest to stir up the drama.

Krugman: ‘Welcome to Post-Truth Politics’

Dec 25, 2011
To refashion an old phrase: “There are lies, damned lies, then yarns spun by Mitt Romney.” This is the gist of a recent post by Paul Krugman, who points to falsehoods recently uttered by the Republican presidential hopeful to predict new lows in a new era of fact distortion wrought by those seeking the helm of the highest level of federal government.