

May 21, 2006
Ned Lamont's bid to capture Joe Lieberman's Connecticut Senate seat took a quantum leap this week when Lamont captured enough convention votes to force a primary against Lieberman. Jane at FDL has a great roundup of what the establishment is saying about Ned.
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Danger, Joe Lieberman: Lamont Coasts Into Primary

May 20, 2006
Ned Lamont, the neophyte antiwar Democrat who is challenging Sen. Joe Lieberman for his seat in Conn., easily garnered enough votes to force a primary with Lieberman--who is Bush's favorite Democrat. This is a big deal. Lieberman is in trouble. If you want to learn more about Lamont, check out the Truthdig interview.

Dean Misstates Party’s Platform on Gays

May 18, 2006
The Democratic chairman, speaking on Pat Robertson's network, said that the Dems' platform declares "marriage is between a man and a woman"--when, in fact, it doesn't. Gay rights groups are angry. Update: Pat Robertson, by the say, said that God told him that America would be hit by tsunamis in 2006. OK, Dean misspoke, but what a sad commentary that he was having a serious conversation with a delusional hate-monger like Robertson, anyway.