
Democrats Are Urged to Become Republicans

Jun 5, 2006
That's the call from Michael Tomasky in a cover story for the American Prospect. He means republicans with a small 'r'--defenders of the idea of a republic that serves the common good. Tomasky writes: "What the Democrats still don?t have is a philosophy, a big idea that unites their proposals and converts them from a hodgepodge of narrow and specific fixes into a vision for society."

Victory For Wen Ho Lee

Jun 3, 2006
The five media heavies who shamelessly promoted the government's lies about the Los Alamos scientist chose to settle today rather than reveal their government sources. Lee was savaged by a media fueled by government rumors that he was spying for China, an accusation he was never officially charged with. Lee was imprisoned in solitary confinement for nine months in 1999-2000 and ultimately received an apology from the judge who heard his case. Truthdig says: The media was not defending freedom of the press but their own right to operate as a megaphone for government agents with an agenda to slander an American citizen. The media went to bat for government agents who broke the law. When will those agents be held accountable?Read Robert Scheer's extensive coverage of the Wen Ho Lee case.
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The End of the Electoral College as We Know it?

Jun 1, 2006
The California Assembly passed a measure to pledge the state's Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote (as opposed to giving its Electoral College votes to the winner of the California popular vote). This would come into effect only if enough other states passed similar measures. But if it happens, it will mean the end of the electoral college as we know it.

Paper May Take Legal Action Against Bush Aide

Jun 1, 2006
Bush's top domestic policy aide, Karl Zinsmeister, changed his quotes in a Syracuse newspaper's profile on him and then re-posted the article on his website. One of the quotes he changed was originally published as: "People in Washington are morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings." The editor of the paper says she is consulting a lawyer.

Feds Cut Anti-Terror Funding in NYC, D.C.

Jun 1, 2006
The Department of Homeland Security slashed anti-terrorism money for Washington and New York in favor of cities like Jacksonville and Sacramento. Stunner: "A DHS risk scorecard for the city asserted that the home of the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge has 'zero' national monuments or icons."

Bush: Sept. 11 ‘Ended on a Relatively Humorous Note’

Jun 1, 2006
In a 2003 interview with Ladies Home Journal, Bush told Peggy Noonan that during the late-night hours of Sept. 11, he and wife Laura were hustled around the White House in their bedtime clothes because it was thought a jet was going to crash into the building. "[T]he day ended on a relatively humorous note," he said. "We got a laugh out of it." "Bad taste" doesn't really seem to do this justice. (h/t: Daou Report. Also: full-text interview.)