Government Accused of Censorship

Dec 19, 2006
The National Security Council has blocked publication of an article critical of the Bush administration's Iran policy, claiming that it contains classified information. The piece was written by two former government Mideast experts, who have accused the NSC of playing politics: "They don't want us to say how many opportunities this administration has missed to put relations with Iran on a better track."

New Jersey Gets Civil Unions

Dec 15, 2006
Both houses of New Jersey's Legislature have approved the creation of civil unions, granting the protections of marriage to gay couples as required by a recent court ruling. The governor has said he will sign the bill, making New Jersey the third state to adopt civil unions.
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Probe Sought Into Evangelical Military Video

Dec 12, 2006
A military watchdog group is accusing senior officers of coercing soldiers and airmen into adopting evangelical Christianity -- as demonstrated in a promotional video the senior officers appeared in. "We apparently have a radicalized, evangelical Christian Pentagon within the rest of the Pentagon," says the head of the watchdog group. Read about it here and here Watch the video here

Public Money Used to Indoctrinate Prisoners

Dec 11, 2006
Tax dollars are going toward an unlawful program of religious indoctrination in prisons, according to Iowa federal Judge Robert W. Pratt, who now finds himself fighting a battle against entrenched forces from evangelical ministries, prison corporations and the Bush administration.

Critics Have No Love for Grandpa Cheney

Dec 7, 2006
Dick Cheney is going to have another grandchild soon, this time from his openly gay daughter Mary (at left above). While the vice president expressed his joy at the announcement, advocacy groups spanning the political spectrum took the opportunity to sound off, with social conservatives bemoaning the horror of a fatherless childhood and gay rights groups pointing to Grandpa's history of hypocrisy on the issue.

Bush’s Pseudo-Watchdog Takes a Beating

Dec 6, 2006
President Bush's puppet Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board held its first public meeting on Tuesday, getting an earful from civil liberty advocates and experts, including the ACLU's Caroline Fredrickson, who remarked: "Clearly, you've been fiddling while Rome burns." The group, though conceived by the 9/11 Commission and created by Congress, holds little power and its members serve at the pleasure of the president.

Colbert on Christian Conservative Hypocrisy

Dec 6, 2006
Stephen Colbert mocks the Christian Coalition's rejection of Joel Hunter (last week's Truthdigger of the Week) as its president. Hunter wanted to expand the group's agenda to address the AIDS epidemic and poverty -- issues the Christian conservatives thought would cause people to confuse them with liberals, or perhaps Jesus. Watch it