The Rev. Madison Shockley

The Rev. Madison Shockley

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The Rev. Madison Shockley is the pastor of the Pilgrim United Church of Christ (UCC) in Carlsbad, Calif. Originally ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1979, he has served churches in St....


Rev. Wright on the Battlefield

Mar 18, 2008
Missing from the media hullabaloo surrounding the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr.'s now-infamous sermon (a particular sample of which is still playing in heavy rotation on countless broadcast stations) were some key contextual details about Wright's church, black Christianity and Barack Obama's personal history.

One Giant Leap for America

Jan 15, 2008
Barack Obama represents not just a bridge between America's various cultural, racial and spiritual communities. According to Madison Shockley, the eminently qualified Sen. Obama holds out the promise of a much-needed healing for America by "just standing there allowing us to say 'Yes' to him."

Easter: The Resurrection (with Questions)

Apr 13, 2006
Hallelujah! Easter is almost here. Aren't you glad? What's that low sigh I hear? Ohhhhh that's right, you're one of those progressive Christians. Easter is probably the most conflicted time of the year among progressive churches, even more so than Christmas. Even a progressive Christian can reasonably assert that Jesus was really born, even as the debate goes on among others about how he was born. But this is not so with Easter. Either he was resurrected or he was not. And when we say he was not, then someone somewhere will quote I Corinthians 15:12 to us, "Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?"