
A ‘Wingman’ for the Wooing Wars

Jun 1, 2006
The Washington Post explores the rules and etiquette of functioning as a good "wingman"--"the guy who accompanies his buddy to a bar to help him pick up babes." (Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards demonstrate the technique above in a scene from "Top Gun.")

U.S. Prepared to Join Direct Talks With Iran

May 31, 2006
Sec. of State Rice said America will join Europe in direct talks if Iran suspends its programs to enrich uranium and reprocess spent nuclear fuel. It's a dramatic about-face, and comes a mere three weeks after the Iranian president sent a personal letter to Bush--the first direct communication between the two countries in over 20 years.

The Purpose-Driven Life Takers

May 31, 2006
Christian fundamentalist Tim LaHaye's series of "Left Behind" books has been made into a Grand Theft Auto-style video game. Preview: The main character says "Praise the Lord" after blowing away a heathen. (Talk2action has more.) Let's see: We've got a deputy undersecretary of defense who sees the war on terror as a fight between Judeo-Christians and Satan; a president who has called the war on terror a "crusade" and, now, video game makers encouraging preteens to kill heathens. If those are the people being saved, Leave Me Behind.

Lamont Seen as ‘Serious’ Challenger to Lieberman

May 31, 2006
A key Democratic Party opinion-maker says this about Ned Lamont, who is challenging Joe Lieberman for a Conn. Senate seat: "He's intelligent. He's accomplished. There are no personal warts. He teaches in the Bridgeport public schools. How many people of his pedigree and background go do that?" Earlier: See Lamont's Truthdig interview.

Iraqi Ambassador to U.S.: Marines Killed My Cousin

May 31, 2006
The new Iraqi ambassador to America, fresh after meeting Bush in Washington for the first time, told CNN that U Marines killed his cousin in cold blood in Haditha five months before the November massacre there (h/t: The Dan Report) This is huge: The ambassador of a newly minted "friendly" country went on national TV to accuse the U of murdering a relative Diplomatically speaking, it's a violent smack across Bush's face .