
Court Upholds Gerrymandering Madness

Jun 28, 2006
The Supreme Court ruled that state legislators may draw new electoral maps as often as they like -- meaning that we'll likely see new gerrymandered voting districts every time there is a power shift at a state capital. Disgustingly enough, this ruling is actually a vindication for Tom DeLay.

George Bush, the Alcoholic (Pt. 3)

Jun 28, 2006
Yahoo!'s health columnist continues his series about the dangers of Bush's "dry drunk" syndrome. "Like most alcoholics, the president is a frequent liar, but he is not a particularly good one. He has surrounded himself with advisors who embrace the strategy that if one repeats a lie over and over with complete conviction that it becomes true."

Save the Internet (Today)!

Jun 28, 2006
The Senate is due to vote Wednesday on the Net Neutrality bill. Click here and CALL. YOUR. SENATOR. Otherwise, when AT&T is deciding which content streams fastest to your computer, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

Israel Hits Gaza

Jun 28, 2006
Israeli tanks and troops entered southern Gaza and planes attacked three bridges and knocked out electricity to the coastal strip early Wednesday, stepping up the pressure on Palestinian militants holding captive a 19-year-old Israeli soldier.

Study: Link Between Having Older Brothers and Homosexuality

Jun 27, 2006
Having one or more older brothers boosts the likelihood of a boy growing up to be gay -- an effect due not to social factors but biological events that occur in the mother's womb, according to a study published Tuesday. More evidence--alas, Bible-thumpers still need it--that homosexuality has nothing to do with outside factors and has everything to do with biology.

Army Equipment Costs for Two Wars Will Triple

Jun 27, 2006
The annual cost of replacing, repairing and upgrading Army equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to more than triple next year to more than $17 billion, according to Army documents obtained by the Associated Press And we still can't find the money for schools, healthcare, environmental-technology research oh, never mind .

The Power of a 15-Year-Old Peace Activist

Jun 27, 2006
Ava Lowery, a home-schooled teenager from Alabama, has made over 70 antiwar animations, gaining her national attention in The New York Times, on CNN and in the progressive blogosphere. Check out her response to White House Press Secretary Tony Snow's "it's a number" comment about U.S. deaths in Iraq.