Marie Cocco

Marie Cocco

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Marie Cocco is a communications and public affairs strategist.


The Unemployed Will Roar

Jul 9, 2009
There's a lot of argument in Washington about the economy, but if anyone's looking for some clear voices, there are 650,000 of them just waiting to be heard. That is roughly the number of long-term unemployed who will begin losing their jobless benefits in September.

Why Patch-and-Fill Won’t Do

Jun 18, 2009
At the moment, Republicans are gleeful and Democrats glum because of a Congressional Budget Office analysis -- based on an incomplete and early draft of what is likely to be the most liberal-leaning health care proposal to emerge from the Senate -- that shows the measure just won't get the job done.

The Justice Business

Jun 11, 2009
The appearance of extreme political impropriety is sometimes just too extreme, according to the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling in a case that shines a brutal light on the spiral of campaign contributions that threaten to compromise too many state courts.