Emily Wells / TruthdigAug 31, 2017
The development, in the words of one prominent observer, shows that the tech giant has become "too big for its britches." Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigDec 24, 2016
Republican and Democratic conventions. Primary and presidential nominee debates. The Pulse club mass shooting. The #NoDAPL fight. Some of the stories we covered in real time this year were long-scheduled. Other news was unforeseen, unfolding—some even ongoing. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNetOct 27, 2016
As the election closes, progressives are pushing candidates and issues up and down the political ladder and heeding the rallying cry by Democrats to sweep Republicans out of office. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
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By Sarah Jaffe / Moyers & CompanyAug 23, 2016
Most of our attention is on the incendiary presidential race, which has overshadowed the importance of so-called “down-ballot” races for seats in Congress and state legislatures. But it's likely that massive amounts of outside money, some of it untraceable to its source, will be brought to bear on the outcomes. (Pictured, Zephyr Teachout, who is facing a well-funded rival in a House race.) Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
BLANKApr 6, 2016
Progressive icon Zephyr Teachout and felonious ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff failed to convince a Manhattan audience on Wednesday that taxpayer subsidies for corporations should be eliminated. What went wrong? Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigFeb 5, 2016
Zephyr Teachout of New York, John Fetterman of Pennsylvania and Lucy Flores of Nevada want to take on Wall Street, big oil and the military-industrial complex—and they're all mounting bids for Congress. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
BLANKFeb 1, 2016
This reform-minded lawyer and law professor with a history of progressive advocacy is answering Bernie Sanders' call for a political revolution by challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida for her congressional seat. Here, Truthdig interviews him, and we like what he has to say. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
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