
Black Friday: The Pepper Spray Holiday

Nov 26, 2011
Following the good example set by recent police activity in our great nation, a particularly determined shopper whipped out the pepper spray Thursday night in a bid to fend off competition for an Xbox at a Los Angeles Walmart. That set the tone for a Black Friday alive with holiday spirit.
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Gamer Says Microsoft Banned Her for Being Openly Gay

Feb 26, 2009
Anyone who's ever worn a headset while on Xbox Live, Microsoft's multiplayer gaming-chatting-shopping nexus, knows that it’s dominated by adolescent bigots. It's bad enough that Redmond hasn't cleaned things up, but a gamer named Teresa says she was actually banned from the service for being openly gay and allegedly offending the bigots who were harassing her.

Obama ’09, Available on Xbox

Oct 15, 2008
If it seems that you can't escape Barack Obama's ubiquitous smiling mug no matter where you go, be careful to not turn on your Xbox. Obama has become the first presidential candidate to buy ad space inside a video game. Among the games are the popular "Madden '09" football and "Burnout: Paradise" racing.

Microsoft’s Global Warming Game Contest

Jun 12, 2007
College-age video game enthusiasts can now claim their gaming habits may help save the world. Microsoft is launching a contest this summer, the Xbox 360 Games for Change Challenge, offering cash and other prizes to whiz kids who dedicate their game design skills to the cause of global warming