
Editor’s Note: Comments Deleted

Aug 25, 2006
To our readers: Due to an editing error, we accidentally deleted about 15 comments that were pending publication around 12:40 a.m. Friday morning (PST). Our sincerest apologies for consigning those thoughts to the ether. -- the Truthdig team

Left, Right & Center

Aug 19, 2006
Join Truthdig's Robert Scheer, along with Arianna Huffington, Tony Blankley and Lawrence O'Donnell, for a lively discussion on the week in politics, policy and culture. This week: Cease-Fire--Who Won, Who Lost? Warrantless Wiretap Decision and Appeal; A Review of Iraq War.

Truthdig Weekly Video Roundup

Aug 5, 2006
Check out a collection of the best Truthdig-flavored video clips of the past week Featuring: Hillary Clinton's smack-down of Donald Rumsfeld; Jon Stewart on Mel Gibson media coverage; a head-banging Ted Stevens music video, and more .
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So You Say You Want a Revolución?

Aug 5, 2006
President Bush may be offering Cuba the chance to refashion itself in America's image, but Cubans aren't buying what Bush is selling. Wonder why? Saul Landau, an award-winning American filmmaker and journalist who has worked extensively in Cuba over the last 40 years, lays out the answers.

Join Democracy Fest 2006!

Jul 14, 2006
Shameless plug alert: Truthdig managing editor Blair Golson will be co-hosting a panel on alternative media at this weekend's DemocracyFest in San Diego. Tickets for the conference are going fast. Panelists and speakers include Howard Dean, Al Franken, comedian Marc Maron, Democratic strategist Dave Sirota and BuzzFlash Editor Mark Karlin.

Truthdigger of the Week: Jean Rohe

May 22, 2006
Truthdig salutes New School University graduating senior Jean Rohe, whose commencement speech at Madison Square Garden on Friday preemptively struck against the address that Sen. John McCain was due to deliver directly after her.Click here for links to the speech, biographical information on Rohe, and the instantly infamous response by one of McCain's staffers in which he insulted Rohe's graduating class and called her an "idiot" in print.UPDATE: Rohe responds to the McCain staffer: "Please don't try to bully me anymore." UPDATE #2: Rohe goes on MSNBC.

Jon Stewart Runs on CNN International

Feb 20, 2006
OK, all you expatriates probably already knew this, but Truthdig didn't: "The Daily Show" runs on CNN International outside the U.S. Think about that: Millions (perhaps billions) of foreigners get Jon Stewart's version of America on a relatively straight-news-oriented channel. Depending on how you feel about Stewart's sensibility, that's either wonderful or troubling. (This snippet of news comes near the end of a hilarious article about Stewart's upcoming gig at the Oscars.)

Don’t Believe the Hype

Jan 31, 2006
"Brokeback Mountain" may be topping the Oscar charts, but its success has just as much to say about America's homophobic tendencies as it does our homophilic ones.Check back Wednesday for a major new essay on that topic by Truthdig's Larry Gross, a pioneer in the field of gay and lesbian studies.

Welcome to Truthdig’s Podcast

Jan 28, 2006
If you're reading this entry, you're probably viewing the Truthdig Podcast in a Web browser If you have iTunes, click here to subscribe to the Truthdig Podcast If you don't have iTunes and you're using a different podcast program, copy this Web address: http://feedscom/TruthdigPodcast Now, run whatever podcast program you do have Paste in the Web address There you go! Or, if you prefer the low-tech version, entries below this one contain links to audio files that you can click on and download directly Tell your friends about our podcast -- or even better, the people you argue with They need us the most.