Peter Z. Scheer / TruthdigNov 26, 2013
A feministy commercial for a toy line that encourages young girls to play like engineers, and not princesses, may have to come down. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 16, 2012
After a protest against the Russian government composed entirely of plush toys and figurines captured the attention of the press and local authorities in Barnaul, Russia, last month, government officials have gone so far as to specify that inanimate playthings can't assemble for public political gatherings. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 14, 2011
The entertainment giant, apparently preparing to launch a new franchise, filed trademark applications for the name SEAL Team 6 two days after the elite military unit stormed Osama bin Laden's home in Abbottabad, Pakistan. (more) Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigApr 14, 2010
European retailer Primark has gotten itself into some hot water. The clothing chain halted the sale of padded bikini tops for girls as young as 7 years old after advocacy groups and politicians criticized the store for "premature sexualization and unprincipled advertising." Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigAug 27, 2007
The "Real Time" host takes on Mother Teresa's doubts, Obama's "blackness" and the high cost of low morals in our bargain-crazed culture: "Let's have a war and cut taxes, what could go wrong? Let's give mortgages to the homeless. Sounds like a plan! Let's buy toys from a communist police state, you just know they'll put in a little extra love." Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigApr 25, 2006
The S bill doesn't look likely to pass, but the scary thing is that such products are already illegal in several Southern states
Apparently in Texas, if you market a toy as a novelty, it's legal But if you demonstrate its use in sexual activity--it's illegal Put that in your Constitution and smoke it
. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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