todd miller

Gaza in Arizona

Jan 26, 2015
In October 2012, a brigadier general for the Israel Defense Forces explained his country’s border policing strategies at a border technology conference in El Paso, Texas. “We have learned lots from Gaza,” he told the audience. “It’s a great laboratory.”
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They Are Watching You

Apr 24, 2014
It is here at the Border Security Expo 2014 that U.S. Homeland Security officials, local law enforcement, and border forces from all over the world talk contracts with private industry representatives, exhibit their techno-optimism, and begin to hammer out a future of ever more hardened, up-armored national and international boundaries.

Border Patrol International

Nov 21, 2013
On one side, a man in a uniform with a gun and the authority to detain, deport, or even kill; on the other, people with the most fundamental of unmet needs and without the proper documentation to cross an international boundary.

Creating a Military-Industrial-Immigration Complex

Jul 11, 2013
Calling the border security act the Senate passed on June 27 “immigration reform” is like calling the National Security Agency’s expanding global surveillance system a domestic telecommunications upgrade. It’s really all about the country that the United States is becoming -- one of the police and the policed.

Living in a Constitution-Free Zone

Feb 7, 2013
Unlike on our southern border, there is still no wall to our north on what was once dubbed the “longest undefended border in the world.” But don’t let that fool you. The U.S.-Canadian border is increasingly a national security hotspot watched over by drones, surveillance towers and agents of the Department of Homeland Security.