Role Models for the Id
Apr 26, 2010 If the conduct of sports stars represents “values,” there never were any. In any case, it’s better to raise your kids yourself.2011 Southern California Journalism Award: Online Sports News/Feature/Commentary

Just Don’t Do It
Apr 19, 2010Tiger Woods Ad Parodies
Apr 13, 2010 Last week Nike launched a controversial new ad featuring Tiger Woods and the voice of his deceased father. The Internet has responded.
An Icon Without a Clue
Apr 8, 2010 Tiger Woods is finally getting on with his life, not that Tiger’s life can ever be what it was when he was the unquestioned, untainted, most famous, most admired, richest, greatest athlete of all time Unfortunately, that’s exactly what he was raised to aspire toTiger’s life can never be what it was when he was the most admired, richest, greatest athlete of all time.
The Woods Shed
Mar 25, 2010
Tiger’s Return
Mar 18, 2010Tiger’s Mistresses Fill Yankee Stadium to View Press Conference
Feb 22, 2010 Thousands of Tiger Woods' mistresses converged on Yankee Stadium to watch the golfing legend's press conference on the stadium's giant Jumbotron.
For the Russian Prime Minister Who Has Everything
Oct 11, 2008 An unknown (to the general public, anyway) well-wisher has given Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin an unusual gift for his 56th birthday: a two-month-old Ussuri tiger cub.Playing Through the Pain
Jun 20, 2008 I, for one, am relieved that Tiger Woods decided to devote his unimaginable focus and determination to golfing excellence and not to, say, world conquest. We'd all be living in Tigerland by now.The Perils of Pandering
Jan 28, 2008 After equating homosexuality with bestiality, presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was attacked by a gay tiger.