social programs
street art of a girl dressed in an American flag dress

Food Stamps Saved My Life

Dec 11, 2019
As a kid, the SNAP program helped me eat, study and succeed as an adult. Americans today deserve the same investment.
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Where Do Happy People Live?

Sep 26, 2013
An author claims countries with effective social programs and labor unions harbor content citizens; Pope Francis excommunicates a Catholic priest for favoring gay rights; and can you count how many lies Obama told in his U.N. speech? These discoveries and more after the jump.

Poverty Damages the Mind

Aug 31, 2013
There is a strong connection between scarce resources and cognition: The more a person struggles financially, the less he or she can channel brain processes to completing other tasks. When you can't make ends meet, the weight of worry occupies a large portion of the mind.

Your Guide to the Sequestration Horrors

Feb 23, 2013
On March 1, the $85 billion collection of budget cuts known as the sequester could wipe out federal programs at such varied places as national parks, the Pentagon and the FBI. Hidden among those cuts are reductions in services that are crucial to Americans' everyday lives -- education, health care and jobs. The Guardian tells us what to expect.

‘Left, Right & Center’: One Fiscal Cliff Down, Boehner, and Al Gore’s Big Payday

Jan 5, 2013
Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other "Left, Right & Center" panelists consider the fiscal cliff deal and the issues it left untouched: the debt ceiling and the threat of “reform” to social services. They also dissect the re-election of John Boehner as speaker of the House as well as the FTC’s decision on Google and antitrust and anti-competition laws.