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Iraqi Death Tally Triples Official Reports

Feb 28, 2006
The violence unleashed after last week's bombing of a Shiite Muslim shrine claimed 1,300 Iraqi lives, triple the number reported by the US military Outside of major U offensives, these have been the deadliest few days in the last three years in Iraq UPDATE: The violence continues with multiple attacks claiming 68 lives on Tuesday.

Iraq Teeters Toward Civil War

Feb 23, 2006
After insurgents bomb one of the holiest Shiite shrines in Iraq, at least 138 die in reprisal battles --marking the worst Shiite-on-Sunni violence since the outbreak of the Iraq war. University of Michigan Professor Juan Cole calls the day "apocalyptic."

Dream On, Condi

Feb 15, 2006
There is no way to soft-pedal it: The astounding rise of an anti-American firebrand like Moqtada al-Sadr is an indicator of how wide and complete a political defeat pro-Western forces have suffered in Iraq.

Iraqi Shiites Nominate Jafari as Prime Minister

Feb 13, 2006
The largely ineffectual interim leader is now set to take formal control of the country. He is backed by theocratic Shiites in Iran and the rabidly anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr in Iraq. A theocratic state, virulently hostile to U.S. interests? Right now Ahmad Chalabi is almost starting to look good in comparison. | story

In Iraq, It Keeps Getting Worse and Worse

Jan 23, 2006
The rebuilding of Iraq was hobbled and mismanaged from the get-go, according to an official history of the program leaked to the New York Times | story The Kurds, in exchange for a quasi-autonomous secular state of their own, will allow Shiite theocracy to dominate the rest of the country Hardly the neocon fantasy of a secular, united and American-friendly Iraqlatimescom/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-alliance22jan22,0,6427404story?coll=la-home-world" title="story">storyMeanwhile, a mass exodus of Iraq's professional, educated class is resulting in a brain drain, just when the country needs its thinkers mostwashingtonpostcom/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/22/AR2006012201112html" title="story">storyAlso, an influential cleric who has led uprisings against the US says that his militia would defend Iran if it was attacked | story.

Iraqi Voting Tally Deals Deathblow to Neocon Fantasies

Jan 20, 2006
The parliamentary results are confirmed: Shiites will dominate both the Sunnis and the Kurds in Iraq So while the US tries to intimidate Iran over its nukes, Iranian-bred theocratic Shiites--those most hostile to our interests--are in the ascendancy in Iraq So much for the neocons' "Field of Dreams" scenario for creating democracy in Iraq: "If you break it, they will come" | storyAlso, read Juan Cole on how Bush created a theocracy in Iraq | columnAnd read Robert Scheer on Iran's victory in Iraqcom/eartotheground/item/irans_victory_in_iraq/" title="item">itemUpdate: A former Pentagon analyst is sentenced to 12 years-plus for leaking confidential documents in an attempt to get the U to take the threat of Iran more seriously | storyUpdate No 2: Iran and Iraq are already linking arms on the construction of electricity facilities .