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Spring Season Soon to Sprout Earlier

Feb 8, 2013
Analysis of observations of budburst -- that promising moment near the end of winter when green shoots begin to appear on the first trees -- show that spring could arrive dramatically earlier by the end of this century.

Happy Holidays

Dec 25, 2010
The placebo effect even if you know it’s a placebo, the conglomerate approval of the Comcast-NBC merger, and the introduction of Google Body. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Time’s Up for ’24’

Mar 28, 2010
Friday marked a sad day for American exceptionalism. Jack Bauer, the heart-throbby, knows-no-rules lead character in "24," will no longer appear on TV. Fox announced its decision to cancel the series at the end of its current, eighth season. But fear not, torture fans: Producers are looking to turn "24" into a feature film.

Colbert Does a Turn on ‘Simpsons’

Sep 24, 2007
In a satirical match made in heaven, Stephen Colbert appears in cartoon form on "The Simpsons" season premiere. Meanwhile, "Family Guy" takes a jab at the Bushies (and Limbaughs) of the world on its own season debut -- featuring a "Star Wars" send-up, just to add that much more comical catnip to the mix for the show's loyal target demographic.

Duke Reinstating Lacrosse Team

Jun 6, 2006
Duke University President Richard Brodhead said about his decision: "I am, I know, taking a risk in reinstating men's lacrosse [but] if we did not allow these players the chance to take responsibility for creating a new history for their sport at Duke, we would be denying another very fundamental value: the belief in the possibility of learning from experience, the belief in education itself" .