Staff / TruthdigNov 5, 2011
We have a winner, folks. Or make that two: a winning song and the Truthdig reader who named the tune. It wasn't easy to settle on just one out of all the possibilities -- and we'll give nods to some of those after the jump -- but it was fun. We have a winner, folks. Or make that two. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigOct 13, 2011
Here at the Truthdig office, we've been listening a lot to Ry Cooder's new album, "Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down." With songs like "No Banker Left Behind," which was inspired by a column by our own Robert Scheer, the album is refreshingly political, with roots in the tradition of protest music. Here's your chance to win a copy. (more) Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigOct 5, 2011
An excerpt from musician Ry Cooder's first published collection of stories, set in L.A. after World War II, "a sunny place for shady people." Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigOct 3, 2011
The celebrated musician talks about select tracks from his new album, "Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down," as well as his musical and political influences, with Truthdig's Robert Scheer and Kasia Anderson.The celebrated musician talks about select tracks from his new album, "Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down," as well as his musical and political influences. Dig deeper ( 29 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigSep 16, 2011
Shoshana Hebshi, our Truthdigger of the Week, had the courage to blog about her experience traveling on the anniversary of 9/11, bringing to light the truth about where America stands on racial profiling 10 years after the Twin Towers fell.Shoshana Hebshi, our Truthdigger of the Week, brought to light the truth about where America stands on racial profiling 10 years after the Twin Towers fell. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 27, 2011
The legendary musician tells Robert Scheer that his new album, including a song inspired by one of Scheer's Truthdig columns, was written out of feeling frustrated, helpless and angry with current events.The legendary musician tells Robert Scheer that his new album was written out of feeling frustrated, helpless and angry with current events. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 26, 2011
On this week's episode of Truthdig radio in collaboration with KPFK we have legendary musician Ry Cooder (who brought along some songs from his new album), queer historian Michael Bronski and Marcia Dawkins on the real freedom riders Update: Full transcriptThis week on Truthdig Radio: Legendary musician Ry Cooder, queer historian Michael Bronski and Marcia Dawkins on the real freedom riders. Dig deeper ( 28 Min. Read )
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