Robert Scheer / TruthdigAug 16, 2019
Where would America be without its muckraking journals and newspapers? A conversation with "American Prophet" author Pete Richardson. Dig deeper ( 27 Min. Read )
BLANKApr 6, 2017
On KPFK's "This Is Happening," Truthdig's editor in chief discusses King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech, an address partly inspired by a Ramparts magazine piece published when Scheer was editor there. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigSep 21, 2016
The Los Angeleno was involved with prime ministers, presidents and kings and played a major role in some of the most significant political events of the latter half of the 20th century. A documentary by Patty Sharaf chronicles his life. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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Peter Richardson / TruthdigAug 27, 2016
The legendary Ramparts editor who later ingeniously paired writer Hunter Thompson and artist Ralph Steadman died this week, leaving a slew of colorful memories behind him. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJun 23, 2015
In the fourth installment of The Real News Network’s show "Reality Asserts Itself," Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer discusses the civil rights era, what it was like to cover the Vietnam War and his work on the historic Ramparts magazine. Dig deeper ( 12 Min. Read )
Peter Richardson / TruthdigDec 5, 2011
Dugald Stermer, illustrator and visionary art director of Ramparts magazine, the legendary San Francisco muckraker, died last Friday after a long illness He was 74The visionary art director of Ramparts magazine died last Friday after a long illness. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigOct 23, 2009
Peter Richardson's new book about the groundbreaking Ramparts magazine says the rag changed America. Truthdig arts and culture editor Kasia Anderson asks the author and former Ramparts Editor Robert Scheer, Truthdig's editor-in-chief, why the magazine's impact isn't better remembered and what will take its place.Why was the unruly life of Ramparts magazine so short and what, if anything, will take its place? Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigOct 10, 2009
A new book on Ramparts Magazine, "A Bomb in Every Issue," marks the significant contribution of the alternative San Francisco-based publication that gave a viable and legitimate voice to 1960s radicalism. Check out the NYT's review of it here. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
BLANKAug 21, 2009
Peter Richardson's fascinating new book explores the short, unruly life of Ramparts Magazine and its extraordinary effect on American politics and media.The short, unruly life of Ramparts Magazine had an extraordinary effect on American politics and media. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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