national security agency

Obama Tries to Downplay Surveillance Programs

Jun 8, 2013
Caught in the act of secretly spying on millions of Americans, the president is trying to minimize the damage done to his public reputation, including among his most devoted supporters.Caught in the act of spying on millions of Americans, the president is trying to minimize the damage done to his public reputation, including among his most devoted supporters.
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The Congressional Push for Secrecy

Aug 8, 2012
The U.S. Congress -- one of the branches intended by America’s founders to balance the president’s power -- is showing just as much and in some cases more interest in preserving a growing culture of secrecy as its executive counterpart, says Steven Aftergood, secrecy researcher at the Federation of American Scientists.

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?

Aug 2, 2012
A handful of media stories, blog posts and academic studies have been skeptical about such attention-getting figures. But that has not stopped an array of government officials and politicians from continuing to cite them as authoritative. Now, ProPublica has found new grounds to question the data and methods used to generate them.

Privacy by Design

Jul 24, 2012
Nicholas Merrill is tired of waiting for Congress to protect Americans' privacy online So he plans to force the matter by changing the way telecommunication companies do business So he plans to change the way telecommunication companies do business.

That Makes No Sense!

Jul 20, 2012
When my daughter was little and I read to her regularly, one illustrated book was a favorite of ours. In a series of scenes, a frustrated young girl booms out: “that makes me mad!” For our present national security moment, however, I might amend the book’s punch line slightly.

A Big Brother World

Jun 18, 2009
This week in surveillance: The New York Times revealed that the NSA has been spying on the e-mails of millions of Americans, including ex-President Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, China has backed down from installing mandatory security software, while Iran tries to clamp down on communications, and Britain plans to track every phone call, e-mail and text message in Britain. Yikes!