FRANK BAJAK / The Associated PressJan 14, 2020
Agents launched a phishing campaign to steal the login credentials of employees of Burisma Holdings, a U.S. email security company reports. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Sam Husseini / TruthdigAug 30, 2019
"Official Secrets," the new film about whistleblower Katherine Gun is largely accurate --- but this story is not over. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
TAMI ABDOLLAH and ERIC TUCKER / The Associated PressJul 6, 2019
A contractor's case comes to an end without it being resolved who was behind the devastating leak of U.S. government hacking tools. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
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Chris Hedges and Mr. Fish / TruthdigJun 3, 2019
The demonization of Putin and Russia was designed to poison bilateral relations, boost U.S. war industry profits and make détente impossible. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Judith Coburn / TomDispatchAug 27, 2018
Now that we know we are surveilled 24/7 by the National Security Agency, Facebook, Google, hackers, the Russians, the Chinese and companies from which we've ordered swag on the internet, is there still any "right to be forgotten"? Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
DEB RIECHMANN and SUSANNAH GEORGE / The Associated PressJun 30, 2018
The agency says "technical irregularities" were found in customer data collected from telecommunications companies. Data security and privacy rights advocates say the move shows deep flaws in the program. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Marjorie Cohn / TruthoutMay 31, 2018
Since the Bush administration created the secret list after the 9/11 attacks, the criteria for inclusion have morphed and remain elusive. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Ray McGovern and Bill Binney / ConsortiumnewsMay 2, 2018
The special counsel can already get all the answers to his questions from the NSA. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Julian Vigo / TruthdigApr 22, 2018
The reality of the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal is far more sinister than a loss of personal privacy. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Scott Ritter / TruthdigFeb 28, 2018
American political forces, not Kremlin masterminds, are responsible for the ongoing damage to our democracy. Dig deeper ( 15 Min. Read )
Marjorie Cohn / TruthoutJan 27, 2018
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Reauthorization Act, which Congress recently passed, lets the government spy on a variety of personal internet communications. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Emily Wells / TruthdigJan 21, 2018
Citing documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the report raises concern about potential use of the highly refined software against civilians. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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