michael klare

Delusionary Washington: The Desperate Plight of a Declining Superpower

May 28, 2015
Russia refuses to curtail support for armed separatists in Ukraine; China refuses to abandon its base-building endeavors in the South China Sea; the Islamic State movement refuses to capitulate in the face of U.S. airpower. What is a declining superpower supposed to do in the face of such defiance?

Peak Oil Is Dead

Jan 10, 2014
Among the big energy stories of 2013, “peak oil” -- the once-popular notion that worldwide oil production would soon reach a maximum level and begin an irreversible decline -- was thoroughly discredited. The explosive development of shale oil and other unconventional fuels in the United States helped put it in its grave.

The Third Carbon Age

Aug 9, 2013
Don’t imagine for a second that we're headed for an age dominated by renewable energy. Instead, humanity is pioneering the third great carbon era, the Age of Unconventional Oil and Gas.
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Powder Keg in the Pacific

Jan 23, 2013
China’s determination to assert control over disputed islands in the potentially energy-rich waters of the East and South China Seas spells trouble not just regionally, but potentially globally.

Is Barack Obama Morphing Into Dick Cheney?

Jun 21, 2012
In the way he has engaged in the geopolitics of oil as part of an American struggle for dominance among the major powers, President Obama’s global energy policies bear an eerie likeness to former Vice President Dick Cheney's.

A Tough-Oil World

Mar 14, 2012
The world still harbors large reserves of petroleum, but they are of the hard-to-reach, hard-to-refine, “tough oil” variety that will be more costly to extract, refine and buy at the pump.

Danger Waters

Jan 12, 2012
In 2012 and beyond, energy and conflict will be bound ever more tightly together, lending increasing importance to the key geographical flashpoints in our resource-constrained world.