michael hastings

Chris Hedges: ‘The Horror, the Horror’

Jul 26, 2013
In the final installment of Chris Hedges' appearance on "Reality Asserts Itself" with Real News Network senior editor Paul Jay, viewers ask the Truthdig columnist questions, including about the American public's complicity in the crimes of empire, if there's any hope for Bradley Manning and whether the U.S. or Israel will attack Iran.In the final installment of his appearance on "Reality Asserts Itself," the Truthdig columnist took questions from viewers, including about the American public's complicity in the crimes of empire.
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Truthdigger of the Week: Michael Hastings

Jun 23, 2013
Hastings' death is a loss to readers who would have profited from his continued devotion to telling the stories of American politics and the military with fewer inhibitions than lesser reporters.Hastings' death is a loss to readers who would have profited from his continued devotion to telling stories of American power with fewer inhibitions than lesser reporters.