memorial day

Poll: Majority of Veterans Back Romney

May 29, 2012
Veterans prefer Mitt Romney over Barack Obama for president in the 2012 election by 58 to 34 percent, according to a Gallup poll released Memorial Day. The survey also showed that non-veterans support Obama over Romney by four percentage points, 48 to 44 percent.

Facing the Truth About Torture (Video)

May 28, 2012
Earlier this month, eight members of the Bush administration were found guilty of torture and war crimes by an unofficial tribunal in Malaysia for defying international law and torturing people in the post-9/11 era. On this Memorial Day, Bill Moyers and Michael Winship urge Americans to demand a reckoning.
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How to Forget on Memorial Day

May 24, 2012
This Memorial Day, there will undoubtedly be much cant in the form of tributes to “our heroes” and then, Tuesday morning, when the mangled cars have been towed away, the barbecue grills cleaned, and the “heroes” set aside, the forgetting will continue.

10 Things We Must Remember on Memorial Day

May 31, 2010
According to Yale historian David Blight, Memorial Day got its start at the end of the Civil War. 145 years after the end of our Civil War, our nation is engaged in near civil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which we had a part in starting and no plans for ending. 145 years after the end of our Civil War, our nation is engaged in near civil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which we had a part in starting and no plans for ending.