Mariel Padilla, Darreonna Davis / The 19thJan 12, 2024
Experts discuss why the U.S. has lagged when it comes to paid leave policies, who typically benefits and what states are doing to address the issue. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
Duaa Eldeib / ProPublicaDec 27, 2022
They are twice as likely as white women to have a stillbirth and three times as likely to die in childbirth. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
Alan MacLeod / FAIRJul 21, 2019
A popular news trend of supposedly positive stories reveal the dire conditions of late capitalism so many Americans now live under. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
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Robert Reich / TruthdigJun 23, 2019
Fox News and Republicans label proposals they disagree with “radical,” or “socialist.” But where do the American actually people stand? Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
MIKE STOBBE and MARILYNN MARCHIONE / The Associated PressMay 7, 2019
"An American mom today is 50% more likely to die in childbirth than her own mother was," says a Harvard Medical School obstetrician. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Robert Reich / TruthdigFeb 4, 2018
Donald Trump's voters bought a lot of what he said during his campaign, but in his first year as president he's often done the opposite of what he assured Americans before taking office. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Julia Conley / Common DreamsJan 17, 2018
Having a baby can leave a family thousands of dollars in debt, underscoring the difference between maternal care in the U.S. and industrialized nations with universal health care. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Annie Waldman / ProPublicaDec 28, 2017
An analysis shows that women who deliver at facilities that disproportionately serve African-Americans are at a higher risk of harm. Dig deeper ( 16 Min. Read )
Katherine Ellison and Nina Martin / ProPublicaDec 24, 2017
The rate of life-threatening problems for new mothers in the U.S. more than doubled in two decades due to pre-existing conditions, medical errors and unequal access to care. Dig deeper ( 19 Min. Read )
Nina Martin/ ProPublica, and Renee Montagne/ NPRDec 7, 2017
In the U.S., they die at three to four times the rate of white mothers, one of the widest of all racial disparities in women’s health. Dig deeper ( 29 Min. Read )
Adriana Gallardo and Nina MartinSep 6, 2017
A study shows more than half the country’s rural counties don’t have hospitals with obstetric services, and women of color are being hit hardest. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, Cagle CartoonsSep 18, 2016Dig deeper
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