Carrie Rickey / TruthdigJul 27, 2017
Director Kathryn Bigelow turns the tragic events of July 1967 in Detroit into a tense suspense film. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Kasia Anderson / TruthdigSep 10, 2015
The Oscar-winning film "Zero Dark Thirty" became a prestigious awards vehicle for its co-creators, journalist-turned-screenwriter Mark Boal and director Kathryn Bigelow. It also became a source of controversy -- and all the more so after this latest news. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Robert Scheer / TruthdigJan 18, 2013
Why aren't film director Kathryn Bigelow's claimed government sources, including employees of the CIA, in jail like Pfc. Bradley Manning? Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Richard Schickel / TruthdigDec 16, 2012
So far, I have not seen any negative reviews of "Zero Dark Thirty" and it is with some reluctance that I'm about to write one. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 8, 2010
It was the first Iraq war movie to really break through, and now "The Hurt Locker" has won six Academy Awards, including best picture and best director, marking the first time an Oscar for directing has gone to a woman. The movie opens with a quote from Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. (continued) Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 4, 2010
He and his lawyer waited until the Oscar ballots were in, but on Tuesday, Master Sgt. Jeffrey Sarver, a U.S. Army soldier who worked as a bomb disposal specialist in Iraq, filed a lawsuit claiming that he had provided the real-world inspiration for actor Jeremy Renner's character in "The Hurt Locker." Why did he wait until the votes were cast? Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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