jesse jackson

When Democrats Demand War

Sep 23, 2012
Journalist Michael Tracey was disheartened on the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., where an arena full of liberals joined Vice President Joe Biden in cheering the extralegal killing of Osama bin Laden. Tracey sought the counsel of New York Times columnist David Brooks, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Barney Frank.Journalist Michael Tracey sought counsel from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, columnist David Brooks and Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Barney Frank after an arena full of liberals joined Vice President Joe Biden in cheering the extralegal killing of Osama bin Laden.
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Racism Reconsidered

Jul 22, 2010
In Obama’s America, negative connotations of race are but a relic of the past. But does this mean that it’s now fair game to play the race card in ways that might have been considered politically incorrect before Obama’s election? Is it now fair game to play the race card in ways that might have been considered politically incorrect before Obama’s election?

Top 10 Feuds of the Year

Dec 23, 2008
You know it's the end of the year when all those predictable fun lists start coming out. This one is among the more creative: Gawker has put together a memorable pastiche of the year's top feuds, starting with an unexpected ambush on NYT columnist Thomas Friedman.

Election Night Speeches

Nov 5, 2008
John McCain was dignified and gracious in the face of overwhelming defeat Tuesday night. Barack Obama embraced his moment in history with yet another incredible speech. It brought tears to Jesse Jackson's eyes and to countless others around the country.

Did Bill Clinton Hurt Hillary’s S.C. Showing?

Jan 27, 2008
Former President Bill Clinton's strong words in the days leading up to the South Carolina Democratic primary may have affected Saturday's results in ways that didn't help Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls. While polling is under (well-deserved) scrutiny lately, statistics aren't needed to indicate how risky some of Bill Clinton's choices have been.