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Today’s Causes Veer Toward Powerful Tweets, Away From Powerful Leaders

Feb 3, 2016
The protests of older generations—the 1960s civil rights movement, for example—were led by movement icons such as Martin Luther King Jr, but now the reach and power of social media give virtually everyone the chance to become a movement leader or influencer The protests of older generations—the 1960s civil rights movement, for example—were led by movement icons such as Martin Luther King Jr .

Slate’s Person of the Year: Edward Snowden

Dec 11, 2013
Though Pope Francis beat the whistle-blower for the title in Time magazine, Snowden's story remains one of the most influential of 2013; the Russian government will set up protest zones at the Sochi Winter Olympics; and Instagramming every moment may be altering your memory. These discoveries and more after the jump.

California Students’ Social Media Being Stalked

Aug 29, 2013
As if the NSA spying on our every move weren’t enough, now kids have to watch what they say online in and out of school. Some 13,000 middle and high school students in Southern California will have their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts scrutinized by social media monitoring service Geo Listening.