Gregory Shupak / FAIRNov 19, 2019
Corporate media would have us believe that Evo Morales was a dictator in the making. The facts on the ground tell a very different story. Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
By Greg Grandin, TomDispatchJul 8, 2015
The Department of Defense says it isn’t even reviewing the possibility of a ban on the Confederate flag, deciding instead to leave any such move to the various service branches, while military bases named after Confederate officers will remain so. One factor in this decision: The South provides more than 40 percent of all military recruits, many of them white; only 15 percent are from the Northeast. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
By Greg Grandin, TomDispatchDec 22, 2014
As we end another year of endless war in Washington, it might be the perfect time to reflect on the War That Started All Wars -- or at least the war that started all of Washington’s post-Cold War wars: the invasion of Panama. Dig deeper ( 14 Min. Read )
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Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigAug 3, 2014
A new history of the events behind Herman Melville's 1855 novella "Benito Cereno" takes up the question of how slavery shaped the "psychic and imaginative" dimensions of contemporary capitalism, rather than merely the "social or financial" aspects. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
By Greg Grandin, TomDispatchFeb 24, 2014
Slave ships were floating laboratories, offering researchers a chance to examine the course of diseases in fairly controlled, quarantined environments. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
By Greg Grandin, TomDispatchJan 27, 2014
The captain ready to drive himself and all around him to ruin in the hunt for a white whale has been used as an exemplar of unhinged American power. But what’s really frightening is our soberest politicians, scholars, journalists, professionals, and managers, men and women who enable the wars, devastate the planet, and rationalize the atrocities. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
By Greg Grandin, TomDispatchFeb 19, 2013
On a map published in conjunction with the Global Society Institute's damning new CIA report, no region except Latin America escapes the red stain of the United States' global rendition and torture gulag. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
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