
Oceans Would Perish Even If Levels of Atmospheric Carbon Were Reduced

Aug 6, 2015
While the “future dramatic removal of huge volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere” could restore greenhouse gas concentrations to pre-industrial levels, the world’s oceans would “stay warmer, and more acidic, for thousands of years, and the consequences for marine life could be catastrophic” unless the burning of fossil fuels is stopped, a team of German researchers warns.
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Hope for Carbon Storage Rises Again

Apr 20, 2015
American scientists say they are making progress with carbon capture and storage, a process that would help render harmless the chief greenhouse gas.

Cutting Emissions Is ‘Perfect Option’

Jun 6, 2014
Limiting climate change simply by cutting the use of fossil fuels is a much better option than ambitious bioengineering projects such as trying to limit the effects of the sun, researchers have found.

Few Would Welcome Geo-Engineering

Jan 18, 2014
Research in Australia and New Zealand finds little appetite among the public for trying geo-engineering techniques to prevent global warming.

Reducing Sunlight ‘Will Not Cool Earth’

Dec 8, 2013
The beguiling idea that global warming can be moderated by engineering the atmosphere has been given a rebuff by two scientists who found the attempt could disrupt rainfall patterns.

Volcano ‘Did Little to Lower CO2′

Mar 22, 2013
Supporters of geo-engineering are disappointed to learn that an Icelandic volcano that threw iron into the nearby ocean did little to reduce long-term atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.