Émile P. Torres / TruthdigDec 14, 2023
How an arcane philosophical rift in Silicon Valley is shaping the race to build artificial general intelligence. Dig deeper ( 20 Min. Read )
Freddie deBoer / TruthdigNov 28, 2023
"EA is always sold as a very pure and fundamentally straightforward project but collapses into obscurity and creepy tangents when substance is demanded." Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
Ari Paul / FairOct 6, 2023
The acclaimed business writer has become SBF's chief defender and thanks to mainstream outlets like 60 Minutes, he's able to get his message out there. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
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Émile P. Torres / TruthdigJun 15, 2023
To understand the deepening divide between AI boosters and doomers, it’s necessary to unpack their common origins in a bundle of ideologies known as TESCREAL. Dig deeper ( 18 Min. Read )
Émile P. Torres / TruthdigMar 30, 2023
Effective Altruism’s metrics-driven model of philanthropy is elitist, condescending and — most damning of all — extremely ineffective. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
Émile P. Torres / TruthdigDec 5, 2022
It’s easy to give away part of your income—and sound saintly announcing this on TV—when you have, say, a mansion in the Bahamas or multi-million-dollar budgets to promote your projects and your brand. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
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