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Dishonoring Pat Tillman

Nov 12, 2010
Veterans were honored all across America Thursday, while the most famous veteran of our ongoing wars continues to be dishonored.Veterans were honored across America Thursday, while the most famous veteran of our ongoing wars continues to be dishonored.

A Closer Look at the Guantánamo ‘Suicides’

Jan 20, 2010
On June 9, 2006, three inmates at the US military's prison camp in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba -- 37-year-old Yemeni Salah Ahmed Al-Salami and two Saudis, 30-year-old Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi and 22-year-old Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani -- died, supposedly by hanging themselves in their cells However, the official account has now been challenged (continued) .

Sex Scandal Calls CIA’s Self-Policing Into Question

Mar 20, 2009
A CIA sex scandal, or, more precisely, allegations that a CIA agent raped two Algerian women, has raised questions in Congress about how the agency polices itself. Oddly, discussions of the controversy have failed to emphasize another significant "oops" moment in CIA operations regarding corruption and the need for oversight: torture.

Pat and Mary Tillman Are Saluted in N.Y. Times

May 9, 2008
Four years after Pat Tillman's death by friendly fire in Afghanistan, his mother, Mary Tillman, is still asking questions -- primarily about the U.S. government's initial cover-up of the details of Pat's death and about how far up the chain of command the deception extended. Here, New York Times sports writer George Vecsey praises Mary Tillman and her new memoir, "Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman."

Army Apologizes to Tillman Family

Aug 2, 2007
Nearly three and a half years after Pat Tillman's death, the Army has issued a formal mea culpa to his family, admitting through Secretary of the Army Pete Geren on Tuesday that his family's grief "was compounded by the failing of his Army" with respect to its duty to inform families quickly and thoroughly about their losses.