
Hezbollah ‘Victory’ Boosts Islamism in Mideast

Aug 20, 2006
In the search for a sense of dignity, basic services and honesty, Arabs from all walks of life are turning to fundamentalist groups that have succeeded where their own governments have failed. ?I have more faith in Islam than in my state; I have more faith in Allah than in Hosni Mubarak,? said one educated middle-class Egyptian woman.
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Kurds Riot and Turn Against Their Leaders

Mar 17, 2006
Remember Kurdistan, that semiautonomous northern part of Iraq that the U.S. always points to as a model of stable, quasi-democratic governance? Well, corruption up there is so systemic that thousands of people vented their anger by burning down a government museum. The horrible irony: The museum commemorates the thousands of Kurds who died in Saddam Hussein's 1988 gas attack. It had become an emblem of government greed. Another front just opened up in the Iraqi civil war that the Pentagon claims doesn't exist.

Oh, Now They Want Limits on Lobbying…

Mar 15, 2006
In the wake of the Jack Abramoff meltdown, House GOP leaders claim that they want at least a temporary ban on privately funded travel for lawmakers, plus some restrictions on lobbyists. It shouldn't have taken a scandal the magnitude of the Abramoff case to convince these lawmakers to do the right thing. This latest move seems a cynical ploy destined to "sunset" as soon as public attention is turned elsewhere.