Staff and Chris Hedges / TruthdigOct 12, 2017
Truthdig columnist Hedges and author-activist Lakey discuss the practical implementations, particularly when dealing with fascists and the economic elites. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigAug 7, 2017
"The rule of law has been inverted," says Hedges, who brings in a legal expert to probe the wreckage. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigSep 12, 2016
We have once more been baited and hooked by the corporate elites who look upon the electorate as malleable and disposable. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
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Chris Hedges / TruthdigAug 19, 2016
This deception will exist as long as we "stay in our place." Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the chimera will vanish. The iron fist of history's most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself with a terrifying fury. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigAug 15, 2016
The remainder of the presidential campaign will be characterized by an attempt among liberals to discredit third-party and popular movements. Yet our only hope for change will come by breaking free from the tyranny of the two corporate parties. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
E.J. Dionne Jr. / TruthdigNov 19, 2015
The importance of who gets to set the agenda in the presidential race was brought home by a new poll released this week. Concerns related to race, immigration and attitudes toward Islam divide the country deeply. That's the agenda the Republicans want to be paramount. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 11, 2015
"If he doesn’t go electorally in a serious way to win, then [Bernie Sanders] is setting up millions of Americans, and young Americans, for a huge morale collapse," Nader explains. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 3, 2015
“All you gotta do in politics is say the right thing, even though your whole record is contrary, and you’re on your way," Nader says. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Kasia Anderson / TruthdigJun 24, 2015
What compels a rebel to follow a path that, as history shows, almost always puts that person in mortal danger? Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigApr 27, 2015
A new generation of young black radicals is opting for revolution—a generation that sees through the facade of the corporate state and has rejected as sellouts Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Dyson and others among the African-American political elite. Dig deeper ( 14 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigDec 29, 2014
The incarcerated poor have become the nation’s most exploited workers. They are the prototype drones for the corporate totalitarian state. Dig deeper ( 9 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigDec 8, 2014
The murder of unarmed citizens by police is not only about racism. It is an example of the omnipotence of the corporate state and the evisceration of the rule of law. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
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