
Predicted Rise in Sea Levels May Be Way Short

Mar 11, 2009
A team of researchers has found that sea levels could rise up to three times higher over the next century than U.N. estimates have indicated. The findings have dire implications for the 600 million people who live in vulnerable areas. Scientists gathered in Denmark said they expect polar and glacial melting to accelerate.

Colorado Lawmaker Shocks With Tirade on Babies and AIDS

Feb 26, 2009
An effort to screen pregnant women for HIV in order to reduce the spread of the virus among babies didn't get Colorado state Sen Dave Schultheis' vote In the Republican's own controversial words, that's because "[t]his stems from sexual promiscuity for the most part, and I just can't go there We do things continually to remove the consequences of poor behavior, unacceptable behavior, quite frankly".
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Karl Rove Praises Obama’s Campaign Team

Nov 7, 2008
Bush's brain gets inside the minds of Obama campaign manager David Plouffe and strategist David Axelrod to explain the president-elect's success: "Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod understood that over the last 28 years only 11 of 20 eligible Americans on average cast a presidential ballot. They focused on registering and motivating the other nine who don't usually vote." Yes, he wrote "Messrs."

McCain Doubles Down on Pennsylvania

Oct 27, 2008
The McCain campaign is definitely counting on an upset in Pennsylvania. With the clock running out, the GOP nominee and his running mate will spend much of their remaining campaign days in the Keystone State. McCain said Sunday that the polls are inflating his rival's lead.

Going Poll Crazy

Oct 23, 2008
Some polls show Barack Obama with a double-digit lead while others have John McCain even or ahead. Take Pennsylvania, where Obama and McCain are waging much tougher campaigns than one would expect in light of an 11-point average margin. That's because their internal polls show a much closer race. So how do you make sense of it all? The short answer is: You can't.

Evangelical Leader Goes All In For McCain

Oct 2, 2008
And to think that anyone thought James Dobson would sit out this presidential race. The Christian right leader and his advocacy group, Focus on the Family Action, are planning a multistate strategy to help elect McCain, and to prevent Democratic gains in Congress while they're at it.

Poll: Palin Helps Obama Pull Ahead in Colorado

Sep 23, 2008
Barack Obama is depending more and more on a Rocky Mountain victory and, according to a new poll, Sarah Palin may have just given him a boost there. It seems the Alaska governor's growing unpopularity among independent voters has helped Obama to a seven-point lead in the Centennial State.