climate news network

Coal Triggers Carbon Level Rise

Mar 7, 2013
Scientists say increased coal-burning, especially in developing countries, is largely responsible for a sharp increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide.

Fast Boat to China?

Mar 5, 2013
In less than 50 years from now, the north-west passage through the Arctic should be open to suitable vessels for a short time every other year, scientists have calculated.

Wind Power ‘May Be Less Than Thought’

Mar 1, 2013
There may be limits to how far society can rely on wind power to replace fossil fuels, scientists say -- limits imposed by the effect of numbers of turbines sited close together.
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Europe’s Carbon Market Limps On

Feb 20, 2013
The European Parliament’s Environment Committee is supporting a plan to prop the price of a tonne of carbon by withdrawing an oversupply of credits from the market.

Thawing Tundra Threat to Frozen Carbon

Feb 12, 2013
The melting of Arctic ice frozen for many thousands or even millions of years is speeding up a potential route for carbon frozen deep below ground level to seep into the atmosphere.

Europe’s Climate Forecast: Unsettling

Feb 1, 2013
The European countries currently struggling most economically -- Greece, Spain and Portugal -- will fare worst under climate change as they lose both harvests and tourists to rising heat and low summer rainfall, the European Environment Agency says.

Where Has All the Warming Gone?

Jan 11, 2013
Global temperatures may not warm as much over the next few years as scientists had expected. But what happens to the atmosphere this decade is a poor guide to the Earth’s longer-term future.