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Snag in Jobs Bill Could Hit Struggling States

Jun 26, 2010
Strapped-for-cash states may be up the creek on this one: A jobs bill has stalled in the Senate, jeopardizing billions in federal aid to struggling states. Local and state officials are warning of layoffs in the hundreds of thousands and drastic spending cuts if the bill is not resuscitated.

The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species

Mar 24, 2010
Boy, the Republicans know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick? Or block the provision that allows you to keep your out-of-work kids on your policy until they are 26?Boy, the Republicans know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick?

Krugman: ‘Bipartisanship Is Now a Foolish Dream’

Mar 6, 2010
Someone might want to call President Barack Obama's attention to the main message of Paul Krugman's latest Op-Ed column in The New York Times: This whole bipartisanship idea isn't going to catch on in Congress Krugman takes the recent example of the bill-blockading gymnastics of Sen Jim Bunning (pictured above), along with (continued).

‘Daily Show’: Jim Bunning Feels Jim Bunning’s Pain

Mar 3, 2010
Objection-raising robot Sen. Jim Bunning sure had his day, and his night, on Friday, what with his single-handed stymieing of the proposed extension of health care and unemployment benefits for out-of-work Americans. But, as he pointed out near the end of Friday's jousting session on the Senate floor, it's not as if he wasn't inconvenienced himself.